Blue KC Senior Human Resources Recruiter, Mikala Allen, serves lunch at the Kansas City Community Kitchen.

We Are Hereto Invest in the Community

You can’t put a price tag on a happy, healthy, vibrant community.

That’s why Blue KC invests in all the places we call home. And why we invest in the people who make up the fabric of this remarkable community. 2019 was rich with giving stories. We gave to food organizations, veterans and children. We gave prizes of $20,000 and $10,000 to students for their healthcare innovations.

Equally important, we gave our hearts and souls.

Read Our Community Investment Stories

Giving Stories

Blue KC Community Giving Stories

Giving back is what we do. Employees volunteered hundreds of hours, and charitable giving included everything from holiday fundraisers to blood drives.

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2019 Winners

Blue KC Presents 2019 Winners of Healthcare Innovation Prize

The college students of Deeplens took first place and the college students of Blue Bionic Bowel took second place in the Blue KC Healthcare Innovation Prize.

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Our Mission

To provide affordable access to healthcare and to improve the health of our members.