Take Care of Your Kidneys
March is National Kidney Month and Blue KC wants to help our members be aware of the risks for chronic kidney disease, as well as ways to prevent it. One in three American adults are at risk for chronic kidney disease. It’s estimated that 37 million adults have chronic kidney disease, 660,000 live with kidney failure, and 100,000 are waiting for a kidney transplant.1
Chronic kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should. Diabetes, high blood pressure, family history, and autoimmune conditions are the primary conditions that cause kidney disease. While anyone can get chronic kidney disease, people with these conditions are at higher risk.2
Blue KC is dedicated to helping our members prevent chronic kidney disease and its progression to kidney failure.
The first step is to visit a primary care physician. Kidney disease is preventable in many cases. Establishing a relationship with a physician is important to reducing your risk factors for kidney disease. If you don’t currently have one, call the Blue KC customer service number listed on your member ID card. Or, visit MyBlueKC.com and select “Find Care.”
When meeting with a primary care physician, it’s important for you or your loved one to ask these questions related to kidney disease:
- Are my kidneys healthy?
- What can cause kidney disease? Do I have any conditions related to kidney disease?
- Have I been tested for kidney disease with a urine or blood test?
- If I’ve been tested, can you help me understand the results as they relate to my kidney function?
Here are some additional tips to avoid chronic kidney disease:
- If you are diabetic, keep your blood sugar within an acceptable range. It’s important to test your blood sugar as directed by your physician as well as have your HgbA1C checked.
- If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), keep your blood pressure below 149/90 mm Hg.
- Take all your medicine prescribed by your physician. Sign up for automatic refills so you always have your needed supply.
- Keep your cholesterol levels within the target range. This can help prevent coronary artery disease, strokes, and kidney damage.
- Exercise: try to aim for 3-5 days/week of activity
- Quit smoking.3
Your Very Own Care Team is Standing By.
The Blue KC Care Management app helps you manage your health and take care of your ongoing health conditions. Find resources and connect with our local Kansas City care team today.
Use the app to:
- Send a secure message to your Care Team
- Set appointment and medication reminders
- Receive daily tasks and track progress
- View your personal health information and care program details
- Access clinically approved articles and videos personalized to you
Download the Blue KC Care Management App
- Scan the QR code below, or search “Blue KC Care Management” in the App Store or Google Play
- Use access code kchelpwelcome to sign up
2 https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd
3 https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/prevention