Take full advantage of your health care plan starting day one by using these resources to make the most of your benefits.
1. Register for your member portal on MyBlueKC.com
Register at MyBlueKC.com to access helpful tools and information such as plan benefits, claims, EOB, usage, member ID cards, health and wellness resources.
To register:
- Go to MyBlueKC.com and create your new account.
- Provide your email address and password
- If you haven’t received your Member ID yet, select the option to create your account without a Member ID. We will send your physical ID card upon receipt of your first payment.
2. Earn a $25 gift card for completing your $0 preventive care visit
$0, no cost, zilch. Blue KC covers your annual preventive visit — and many other routine preventive services — at 100% when you visit an in-network doctor or facility. After your annual visit we’ll sweeten the deal with a $25 digital gift card. For members with a family plan, the reward applies to everyone, so a family of four could receive $100 in rewards.
- Go to BlueKC.com/ACARewards
- Complete your annual preventive visit by December 31,2022
- Earn a $25 gift card (Limit one gift card per policy year per member.)
3. Opt-in to text messaging from Blue KC
Text messaging is a simple, secure way to manage your health at the speed of light and get more out of your Blue KC coverage. Simply opt in, and Blue KC will deliver messages related to your health and health plan right to your mobile device, such as:
- Health and wellness tips
- Suggestions on where to go for care
- Cost-saving tips
- Member-only offers
- Policy information and updates
Opt in by texting DIGITALBLUE to 62086 or visiting this link. Spira Care members text LINKBLUEKC to 62086 or click here.
4. Download the MyBlueKC mobile app
Access your health insurance information anytime, wherever you go. The MyBlueKC app makes it easy to manage your BlueKC healthcare plan on the go and get the most from your health plan coverage. Using the MyBlueKC app you can:
- Meet with a virtual care provider
- Access your ID card
- Review benefit information
- See your claims
- Review progress toward your deductible and out-of-pocket max
- Find doctors and specialists in your network
- Compare estimated costs for a procedure
Registration is simple
If you’ve already registered on the member portal at MyBlueKC.com, you can use the same login for the app. Scan the QR code below to download the app or search for “MyBlueKC” in the Apple App store or Google Play.